I head to New Zealand tonight and things are going to change. Hawaii has been fantastic and I have felt protected, so to speak. I've been in an American state, with friends or on the cruise and had a 'safety net' under me 24/7. Tonight that will change.
I will be in a foreign country, alone with no 'safety net.' The first couple of days will be good, I will be hosted by cops in Auckland and that will allow me to get my orientation and bearing. I will leave the Auckland area and head north with no itinerary, just exploring. This is on purpose, I wanted this trip to be open to spontaneous decisions and direction. I have no idea what I will find on the north end but from all I have heard, NZ is an amazing place full of beauty and adventure so that's what I am looking forward to. I hope to rent a car and that will be a challenge in itself as they drive on the other side of the road so I'm not real sure what to expect there. As they say, it will be an adventure! The next 6 weeks will be pretty much a solo time for me with the only committed date being the day I fly from Christchurch to Melbourne, Australia. I will reach out to local people as much as I can, anxious to meet them and learn their country. I'm excited, a wee bit nervous (of the unknown) but anxious to see New Zealand and Australia. I've been wanting to see these countries for years and tonight it begins. Can't wait!
You go and know that lots of people are waiting to hear from you as often as you can post. Document and share so we can go with you, at least in spirit. Be safe.