March 21, 2015
Great Barrier Reef bound, soooo excited!
traveling to hamilton island from Sydney Domestic Terminal.

March 20, 2015
The recent events concerning the obtaining of a visa from the India consulate have made me finally and formally acknowledge that: A) I do not 'chill' well; B) I can get 'wrapped around the axle' pretty easily and C) I can get my 'panties in a bunch' pretty easily as well. That being said, I GOT THE VISA TODAY!!!!!!! When I got the notice it was ready, I ran to the consulate, got it in my hands, kissed all the clerks and did the Happy Dance all the way back. That's when I realized just how upset I had been with everything, even though I was telling myself to 'chill' and take it easy, it wasn't happening and I was a lot more upset than I was even telling myself. So, flight and lodging reservations have been made, heading to the Great Barrier Reef Sunday morning, woo hoo!!!!!! I'll only get three days but that's three days more than I thought I was going to get, soooo excited!!
March 19, 2015
As many of you know, the untimely death of a dear high school friend was the catalyst for this journey I'm on. I did not mention his name to many of you but my WSHS classmates knew I was referring to our beloved Art Steffen who died at such a young age shortly after retiring. His death cheated him of the best years of his life to come. It made me realize life is short and there are no guarantees. You know, life is strange and moves in ways we don't always understand. The girl I met last night from Switzerland, the one I enjoyed so much and helped to put things into perspective over being held in Sydney longer than I had wanted? Her name is Barbara Steffen. I'm not sure what the chances are of running into 2 people with that last name but I think I ran into Art last night and I'm a better person for it. Hugs to you, Art, miss you!!
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