Friday, May 22, 2015

Well, this blows. My Kindle has stopped charging. I'm not sure if it's the Kindle or the cord. And right in the middle of a good book, damn. Of course, I brought two cords for both the phone and iPad (just in case) but only one for the Kindle. Meanwhile, I'm without a book to read unless I can read Balinese, hahaha. Looks like a stop at the airport bookstore on my way out of here.

  • Kari Futch Can you download the kindle app on your iPad?

  • Patricia Tudor what? you can do that? Will I be able to access my books or start all over? Not familiar with what you're talking about.

  • Kimberly Gaskins Put the app on your iPad and sync to the cloud. You'll be back in business.

  • Kari Futch  
    It will prompt you to log in & you'll be able to access your entire library. I did that when I got an iPad so I wouldn't have to keep up with both an iPad & a kindle.

  • Kimberly Gaskins There is an app for Amazon kindle.

  • Patricia Tudor you guys are sooooo awesome, I had no idea you could do this!!! I loaded a ton of books onto my Kindle before I left to last me my trip and I'm so excited I can still access them, woohoo!!! I hope this process is 'user friendly' b/c I am technically challenged!

  • Ryan Whaley Silly Pat. Don't worry your tech support is still available once your return state side.

  • Patricia Tudor Hahaha!! I might need it now, Whaley!!!! Can you come to Bali?

  • Kimberly Gaskins You can even put it on your phone, of course you will need a magnifying glass to read but it is available.

  • Ryan Whaley Maybe if you were closer to Ireland, then hell yeah.

  • Felicia Testerman Buy one off iBooks I think you can use your kindle log I

  • Deana Woodruff Maybe the cord/charger. I had to replace mine for my tablet. Check that.

    • Patricia Tudor yes, I will but it will have to wait until I get out of Bali, wouldn't know where to look here, if they even have a store here that sells Kindle cords.

  • Patricia Tudor and we have success Kari Futch , Kimberly Gaskins and Ryan Whaley!!!! Woohoo, thank you guys! I never knew this, thought I was dead in the water, but I'm reading again!

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